Tuesday, December 31, 2013

In case you are starting to feel sorry for me

Now, I'm sure by now that some of you are beginning to feel sorry for me. You are probably thinking, "Oh, but poor Charlotte Katherine is only the victim of an evil being who takes over her body and causes her to commit evil crimes!" Well, you are wrong, dear reader. You see, remember how I said that Charlotte Katherine and I can only do something major if we agree on it? --boy, do I have a nasty headache!--Well, I've figured out that Charlotte Katherine mainly does things I subconsciously want to do. If I notice that there is a pretty jewel on display at the museum, and think, "Oh, that's lovely." Then the next day, it goes missing. It probably is somewhere in my basement (The one place where Charlotte Katherine actually rules. I pass out any time I try to go down there. Once, I actually made it a little down the stairs, but it took all my willpower and strength, both of which I am lacking.)

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that. Because it just proves that I am a bad person deep down. There really is no difference between Charlotte Katherine and I, because we are in fact one and the same.

My head is really killing me, so I'd better get off soon. I would hate fore something bad to happen, or somethi--

Hello world.

Our name is Her Royal Majesty, but you may refer to us as "Majesty," if it so pleases you.

We are your new Queen. All who resist will be punished *giggle* Severely.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

What I can and can't do

Now, I'm sure you're all wondering, "If you really are this big evil villain who can make whole cities disappear at the drop of a hat, why haven't you taken over the world yet?"

To answer that question, I've decided to give you a description of what my powers can and can't do.

First off, whenever Charlotte Katherine takes over, she has almost unlimited use of my powers. That is to say, while I have to focus really hard to make things work, things happen effortlessly for Charlotte Katherine. For example, let's say that I'm thirsty. If I imagine a glass of water appearing, and focus on it entirely (If I get distracted, it doesn't work) then someone will bring me a drink, for no apparent reason. Simple things like that don't take too much concentration--If I was imagining the Mona Lisa appearing, for example, it would probably take at least a month of only focusing on the Mona Lisa, but then I would have it for as long as I want.
However, for Charlotte Katherine, if she wanted a drink of water, she would only have to think about it briefly, and then voila! One would magically appear in her hand. And yes, if she were to imagine having the Mona Lisa, poof! There it would be in her hands. The catch is, the minute she sets it down, it would return to wherever it came from. This is why she actually has to go and steal things. Also, this is how there is no evidence that I am Her Royal Majesty (Which is what Charlotte Katherine has called herself. I think its a bit presumptuous of her, don't you? Don't tell her I said that) because all of her big fancy ball gowns--yes, she commits crime wearing ridiculously fancy ball gowns-- appear as she imagines them, and then disappear the moment she turns back into me.

Secondly, while Charlotte Katherine's powers do seem more powerful than mine, she can only use her powers so long as she has the "Staff of Imagination" on her. (Again, that is what she calls it. I guess my love of magical girl anime has become manifest in Charlotte Katherine) However, it's not entirely a staff. Most of the time, its in the shape of a ring on her finger, which only she can take off. Other times, it becomes whatever she wants it to--and I don't really know what it looks like, because the design changes every time she wears it. I'd say that this serves some practical purpose, such as to disguise it from those looking to steal the ring, but I know that it's most likely so that it will match her dress. If someone were, however, to steal her ring/staff/whatever-she-wants-it-to-be-item from her, then she wouldn't be able to use her powers. However, no one has taken the staff from her, and no cop seems willing to do the whole gollum-bite-finger-off-to-steal-ring-from-frodo trick. Which is fine by me, because I'm rather attached to my fingers.

Another limit to Charlotte Katherine is that she cannot directly effect other people. She can effect objects, and herself, but not other people. So no, she can't turn you into a dog. However, she can turn your clothes into a dog suit, and then make that dog suit turn into a dog, thereby trapping you inside a living dog suit, indirectly turning you into a dog. She's learned to be pretty creative over the years. Also, she can imagine things to do to herself-why she would want to turn into a dog is beyond me, but you never know...- only so much as it doesn't exceed the physical capabilities of my body. So you are lucky, because I'm not exactly a track star/body builder. But, again, she's learned to be creative. And, let's say she wanted to, oh, I don't know, Fly. She could fly, but the minute she stopped focusing on flying, she would start to fall, so she doesn't often try to give herself other powers.

Finally, the one you are all waiting for: Charlotte Katherine can't make herself queen over the world without my say-so. Well, I guess she can--but she would actually have to conquer it herself, which is hard to do when you only have control of your body for a couple hours at a time. Big things--like disappearing people or cities, or conquering the world--have to be imagined by both of us. Remember how I said, "I wish that this town would just disappear?" well, I meant it (At that moment) and so it happened. It works the same in reverse. I can't make the town reappear, because Charlotte Katherine doesn't want it to. The problem is, once we imagine the same thing, there isn't a limit to our powers- people, places, objects, all are under our control. It's a good thing that I am very careful what I think about.

I'm sure by now you're wondering how I know Charlotte Katherine's limits if I black out every time she takes over. Well, over the years, as she's grown stronger, I have too. I can feel her trying to take over-I get a little dizzy, my knees grow weak, and I get a horrible headache- and I can postpone her for a few minutes or so. I have also been able to be aware of what is happening while Charlotte Katherine is in charge. Now, instead of not remembering anything, I can sort of remember what happened, only it's like remembering a dream: everything is kind of blurry, and all blended together. But, I'm getting better at it. The only problem is, Charlotte Katherine is getting better too. She talks to me in my head sometimes, like a sort of shoulder-devil. (And if you think I'm crazy, I would Kindly like to remind you that I am a villain. It's part of the job description)

And, if you are wondering why I'm telling you all my weaknesses, its so that 1) you can feel relieved that there isn't this all powerful evil villainess controlling your life and 2) so you know how to defend yourself should you ever run into Charlotte Katherine.  Because I'm sorry, but if you run into her, there really is little you can do (Unless you want to bite her finger off)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I wish...Part II

I tried to stop imagining Charlotte Katherine after that. Those boys recovered with no lasting damage--physical, that is. They always gave me a wide berth after that. They never told anyone what happened that day, but I have always wondered what I did to them.

Try as I might, however, Charlotte Katherine refused to disappear. Whenever I found myself frustrated or lonely, she would come up in my mind. I would blackout occasionally, and when I awoke afterwards, something bad had happened. In sixth grade, some girls were teasing me because I wore a tutu to school, and upon waking up after a 'nap' at lunch, someone had mysteriously poured ink all over their back packs, their desks, and their clothes and hair. Apparently, someone had walked up behind them, poured the ink on all of them at the same time, and then disappeared when they screamed and turned to look. I don't even know where I got the ink from. Maybe my imagination was stronger than I thought.

In junior high, a teacher gave me a bad score on a test. As in an F. I wouldn't have minded, but it ruined my 4.0 average, and I know for a fact that I did not fail the test. My father had let her husband go from his job at the factory, so I think she was taking it out on me. I went in after school to talk with her about it, and she pretty much said that she'd change the grade if my father would give her husband back his job. I was so upset when I left the classroom that I hid in a bathroom stall to cry. At least, that's the plan. When I came to in the stall, they were evacuating the school; someone had lit that teacher's car on fire.

She changed my grade after that.

There were other such incidents,some of them big and dangerous, some of them merely unfortunate mishaps,  but no one was ever permanently injured or killed. I did blow up a gas station-- no one could ever prove that anything was me, but I knew--but aside from a few minor burns, no one was terribly hurt. I came to realize that it wasn't just the bad things I imagined that came true. Good things happened too, if I dreamed hard enough.

I was accepted into the most wonderful college ever, where I was majoring in costume design. I had always had a passion for fancy clothing, so it was a dream come true. Did I use my powers to get into this college? Maybe. But I felt justified.

My father, however, wasn't happy with my decision. He wanted me to major in business management, so that I could take over the company someday. I had known that this was his plan for me all my life, but I had always secretly hope he would find someone else. Maybe I wasn't wishing hard enough. Anyway, I was visiting home from college over Thanksgiving one year, and we had a big argument. I was so frustrated, that I screamed at him, "I wish that this stupid town, and everyone in it would just, disappear!!!"

I woke up the next day in my dorm at college. I turned on the news, and the only thing on every station was about how the small town of Cloverfield had disappeared.  I have no idea where it went, or what happened to everyone there, but I haven't seen them since, and I can't get Charlotte Katherine to tell me.

Be careful what you wish for...

I wish... Part 1

Hello again, readers.
I feel the need to explain my entry the other day. You see, I was quite serious when I said that I am the villain. My powers are such that render me most prone to all sorts of villainy.Unwilling villainy, but villainy nonetheless. My powers are so bad, that I have to keep myself mostly isolated. Sure, I let myself out of the house once a week for shopping, and then sometimes I go wander the park for inspiration, and then there is this cute cafe....Well, maybe I leave my house a little more than I thought I did, but when I do, I keep the human interaction to a minimum. No one is safe.
I'm sure your wondering what my powers are, that I feel the need to keep myself locked up.

I have the power of Imagination. And by that, I don't mean that I have a big imagination.
I mean that things I imagine can become reality. I say "can," because there has to be a conscious effort on my hand to make it work. So don't worry about being chased by my daydreams; those stay as daydreams.
Generally, the only time I can make it work is if I imagine something in the form of a wish. I'm sure you've all thought at one time "I wish I didn't have to take that test," "I wish I were prettier," or even "I wish they would  all just disappear."

Remember my last post? How I said that I used to live in a small town?

I suppose that I should start at the beginning.

I have never fit in. I have always been very shy, preferring to live in a fantasy world in my head than the real world. My father was the wealthy CEO of Darling Devices, a computer/cellphone company owned by the Darling family. When I was five, we moved to Cloverville, because that was near the main factory. It was a small town, and our house was probably as big as town hall; it was very out of place. But, my dad liked things big and flashy, and so big and flashy we were. It was all well and fine for him; when you have a lot of money, people don't really care how you act. But, when you are the child of said wealthy man, people expect things of you. They treat you differently, and for a little girl who was already shy and had problems fitting in, that just makes it worse. I was teased constantly, and I had no one I could count as a friend. Sure, all of the girls in my class wanted to be my "friend," but really they just wanted to come to my big fancy house and use my big fancy toys. They didn't really care about me. So, I imagined my own friend. Her name was Charlotte Katherine too--I wasn't too creative with names then-- and she was just like me, only she was everything I wanted to be. She was outgoing, brave, and very confident in her abilities. She was big and flashy and everyone did what she wanted to, and everyone listened to her. Whenever the boys at school bullied me, I could imagine her standing up for me, and it made me feel better. This worked all throughout kindergarten, and up through third grade. In fourth grade, however, things got complicated.

You see, Fourth grade is when you're not supposed to have imaginary friends anymore. I wasn't willing to give Charlotte Katherine up, so I was teased even more. One day, I couldn't take it anymore, and when I imagined Charlotte Katherine beating them up, I thought to myself "I wish Charlotte Katherine would really beat them up."
I don't remember anything after that. I woke up the next day, and went to school as usual. Only, at the beginning of class, the teacher announced that something had happened to some of our classmates. Four boys, the ones who would always tease me, had been hospitalized after being severely injured after school yesterday. She never said what had happened, but I knew who had done it.

Charlotte Katherine, My Charlotte Katherine, had done something terrible to them, just like I had always imagined.
I was a monster.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

This is Me...

Um, Hello world.

Wow, this is scarier than I thought it would be. It's hard to type, my fingers are shaking so.

After being inspired by my hero Ruby, I decided to write a blog about what happens in my life. After all, if Ruby is brave enough to write about her exploits, then I can be too. Maybe it will help me to come to terms with all that has happened. Or, maybe Ruby will read my blog, and then maybe I could pretend that we were friends! And maybe I could even pretend to be friends with her roommate, Iris, whom I also admire for her bravery.  Because there's no way I could ever actually meet them. It would not be safe. (You can learn about Ruby and Iris at their blogs, http://rubyandivory.blogspot.com/ and http://www.irisclearwater.blogspot.com/, respectively)

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Charlotte Kathrine Darling. I love to wear pretty clothes, especially lolita dresses. I live a quaintrelle life, meaning that I pattern my life and style after that of someone from the victorian era. I have way too many tea sets, and I love to bake french pastries and fancy cakes (as well as cupcakes!). I also love to sew and make things, especially stuffed animals. Most of my decorations in my apartment are made by me! I have two pet dormice, named Felicity and Benevolence. I have an obsession with all things sparkly and elegant, which means that of course I am addicted to magical girls anime!!!

I come from a small town in the middle of nowhere, USA, and it is your average stereotypical town. Or, at least it was. I...never mind. You don't need to know. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. I live in a secluded apartment all by myself, because that's the safest thing to do.  

Part of the reason that I admire Ruby is her willingness to share about her powers, and that she's not afraid to speak of what happens to her (I mean speak in the figurative sense. She can't actually speak without gems falling out of her mouth!) I feel a connection with her, because I don't speak much either, except I don't have the luxury of being cursed. I'm just painfully shy. And I'm scared of what I may say. But, then again, I'm scared of a lot of things...

I dream of being a super hero, of using my powers to help others, like Ruby and Iris! I have always wanted to be a magical girl, ever since I turned the page of my first magical girl manga. But, I know that it is an impossible dream, and that, for the safety of the world, I should never try to use my powers. Ever.

Because, you see, while Ruby and Iris are super heroes,(in my eyes at least, even if they don't realize it themselves)


I am the Villain of my story.